Illustrations are where it all started! When I started working with Adobe programs I was first introduced to Illustrator with a project known as a WPAP, after creating my first vector WPAP I decided to I wanted to really hone in on making vector portraits. Eventually getting my first commission with twitch streamer 2MGOVERCSQUARED!

My first commissioned vector portrait of streamer 2MGOVERCSQUARED and her fan base the “Peep Squad”

This is hands down, the vector portrait I am most proud of. Featuring member of Hollywood Undead, JDOG. Sad to say that I lost this file to the cruel world of broken hard drives.

This one was fun. This vector portrait of musician Zedd was made in 3 hours while I was in front of a crowd during my High-School art show!

Who doesn't love a little star wars? A vector portrait of your favorite space merc Bobafett for May the 4th

One of my most recent pieces. A vector portrait of my cousin that I made for her sweet 16. This piece features a detailed interpretation of the chrysanthemum, the flower of November.

Another one of my most recent pieces. A vector portrait of my other cousin that I made as a Christmas gift. This piece features a detailed interpretation of the rose, the flower of June.

Fortnite is a huge craze I'm sure you know, your kids (if you have any of course) are probably playing it right now while you look at this AMAZING vector painting with custom brushes

A parallax vector of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of New York, featuring the illustrious Avengers Tower.